Open Netball

On Friday, August 13, eight girls from Year 11 travelled to Gawler to compete in the Open Girl's Knockout Netball Tournament. Although the day didn't turn out the way we…

SAASTA Guernseys

Congratulations toSAASTA students Meg Lock and Akeisha Young who have won the guernsey design competition for the Cougars Football Club. Their Guernsey’s will be worn by the Cougars during the…

Show Time!

In the last few weeks of Term 2 and early weeks of Term 3, our Year 11 Ag class has been hard at work preparing the steers for the Kadina…

This year’s SACE information nights will be run in week five of this term. There will be two information sessions this year, as students completing Year 12 require different information…

Deadly Science

Science Resource Grant

In some great science news Point Pearce teacher Maddy Woodforde was successful in receiving over $2,500 worth of science resources from the organisation 'Deadly Science'. Our kids absolutely love science…

SRC Lunchtime Activities

The SRC have been running a variety of lunchtime activities in the school gym this term. These have been hugely popular and the class SRC representatives are to be congratulated…

Term 2 SRC Assembly

The SRC's Term 2 assembly was held in the Performing Arts Centre on Tuesday June 22. The Assembly began with the Acknowledgement of Land read by Isis and the singing…