Primary STEM round up

R/1 STEM | Animal Enclosures

We watched videos of how super-zoos set up their animal enclosures. We decided animals needed space to run, food, water, shelter and somewhere to play. We’ve made models of our enclosures and have started labelling them.

2 STEM | Pasta Engineering

We read the very funny book ‘Strega Nona’ and laughed at Big Anthony who couldn’t stop pasta coming out the magic pot. We examined different types of pasta, sketched out ideas for a ‘pasta bridge’ and have started constructing our designs.3

3 STEM | Camouflage

We discovered how chameleons can change their colour to match their background. We looked at photos of animals hiding in full view then tested the PAC puppets to see how well they can hide. You can probably see the cockatoo, but can you also spot the wombat? Now we’re making our own colour-change chameleons.

3/4 STEM | Bridges

In Drama we’re acting out the ‘Willow Pattern’ story about two young people escaping across a Chinese bridge. In STEM, we’ve made paper bridges and learned that cylinders can be really, really strong! One group had 24 books on their bridge before it broke!

5/6 STEM | QR Codes

QR Codes have been everywhere since Covid came along, but they were invented back in 1994! We’ve been testing out our skills at scanning them and have discovered they can contain more information than just web addresses. For example, if you scan this code, it will tell you which company invented them!

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