Week 7 already and we are really hitting our stride here at Point Pearce. Our Preschool students are become familiar with their routines and becoming more independent which we love to see. Our Quality Improvement
Goal for the Child Parent Centre is around Oral Language Development and we are already seeing some milestones being reached in terms of communication and vocabulary development.
A sad farewell
We were very sad to farewell Rylan last week. Rylan and his family have moved to Adelaide and we wish them well. Not only will we miss Rylan but we will now miss Belinda Chapman too who was Rylan’s support.
Rylan and Belinda developed a very close bond in the 12 months Rylan attended our ELC. Belinda’s kindness, patience, determination and belief in Rylan and his abilities coupled with her warm nature saw Rylan thrive.
She built strong and supportive relationship not only with Rylan but with all our students and she will be greatly missed.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Sharon Wilson on being elected our Student Representative for the SRC. Sharon displayed great leadership qualities on school photo day and I believe that this opportunity will be very rewarding for her. I’m sure she will be a great voice for the students of Point Pearce. Well done Sharon.
Outdoor learning
The R-2 students have been having some great outdoor learning experiences thanks to Miss Jacki. She has been planning experiences for both the R-2 students and the Preschool students which is a great way to build continuity of learning between the preschool and the classroom. These experiences have allowed our children to have lots of informal, spontaneous experiences which are child initiated and child led. When children play they are in control of their learning and it has meaning and purpose to them. As educators it is important to be responsive to the needs and interests of our children.
Swimming highlight
We were also very lucky to have such beautiful weather for swimming in Week 6. This is the highlight of the term for our students and they thoroughly enjoyed themselves.