Peri & Yuri’s Big Adventure


On Tuesday afternoon, me, Peri, Andrew, Tate and Darryl were loaded into a trailer and travelled all the way to this place called ā€œThe Royal Adelaide Showā€. We were unloaded into a shed with lots of really annoying goats who we didnā€™t like very much. We did get to sleep in these comfy little pens though and our brother Andrew protected us by head-butting all the other goats- especially those next door from Kadina Memorial School and Saint Marks because they were eating our hay!


On Wednesday morning our owners arrived early and we were very excited to see them. We had to go on these things called scales to show how big we were. I tell you, Yuri is a big chonker! Our owners showed us around the showgrounds to make us feel more comfortable and then it was time to get pretty.


We started by having a spot wash to get all the dirt off of us. Peri did not want to get blow-dried so he decided to make my owners have a hard time by jumping over this huge wall and running away.


After they caught me, Yuri and I put on our nice show uniforms and got ready to walk in the big parade. More people that looked like our owners joined us in the parade, they were very nice. We had to stand around and wait for the parade to start for a very long time but when we got out onto the oval it was so worth it, we got to see many other animals including cows, horses and even pigs! After we did a couple laps of the oval, we got to go back to our pen which was very good because we were all sooooo tired!


Not long after our owners left we decided it was time to throw a party with the other goats! When our owners arrived next morning, they found out about our big party and put us back in our pens. We had to have another spot wash and then got ready for judging.


Our Brother Andrew went first in the judging but unfortunately, he didnā€™t win any ribbons. I went next with Tate. I decided to be a very naughty boy and threw a tantrum but because my owner stayed calm and in control, we got into the Handler final. Tate walked very well but didnā€™t win any ribbons.


Next up was Darryl and he walked like a good little goat but he also didnā€™t get any ribbons. I was last and I walked extremely well and even won a 6th place ribbon for my weight class, Iā€™m very proud of myself.


Later on in the day it was my turn to go back in the judging ring for the handler final with my owner Annabel. We had to do lots of standing around and walking and my owner got a 5th place ribbon so Iā€™m guessing I did pretty well. After this I had to get some pictures and the I returned to my brothers. After the show we said goodbye to the owners and went back to the farm to see all our other brothers and sisters.

By Peri & Yuri.

(With help from Pearl, Annabelle & Bella.

PS: Thank you to the tall owner Miss Townsend, the middle-sized owner Kira and the little owners Alice, Isabelle, Caitlyn & Lily for helping us in the grand parade.