Working Bee

A large group of student, staff and community volunteers braved the very stormy weather for the Term 4 working-bee. The main focus of the day was to clean up areas around the Ag Block and Nature Play area. Thanks to pre-bee organisation from SSOs Debra Briggs and Jess Morony and Governing Council Chairperson Janine Burrows, everything was in place when the volunteers arrived. Projects included:

  • New vegetable beds in the Garden to Plate section.
  • Weeding.
  • Clearing of beds for planting.
  • Cleaning of the Nature Play area.
  • Painting of the new Ag Kitchen.
  • Installation of new cabinetry.

Old scholars Harrison Briggs and Zac Rawlings worked long hours with the painting and installation of stainless steel benches and cabinetry.