Uncle Dookie Visit

This week, the students at Point Pearce Aboriginal Campus were treated to a visit by Uncle Dookie- Kevin O’Loughlin, a Narungga elder who attended the school back in the 1940s! Uncle Dookie has been working in Aboriginal cultural education and training for decades and holds a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience he was keen to share with us through his story telling.

Uncle Dookie set up a mini museum in our classroom of artefacts and tools, and shared stories about the old Narungga ways of life. He showed our students many of the old toys he made as a child, which we were also able to play with. They all had a turn at throwing a boomerang and using a club to swat imaginary bats away!

It was an incredible day, one our students want forget easily! Many of our families also attended- which we welcome and love. It was an honour to have him share his knowledge with us and the children were transfixed for over an hour. Our next visit with Uncle Dookie will include a trip to many of the areas sacred sites.