Home Ec | Vegetable Quiz Cooking

The Year 7/8 Home Ec class started this lesson by identifying as many vegetables as they could and tasting some …...

Daniel Newchurch Visit

On May 16, Daniel Newchurch from Newchurch Family Farm conducted a culinary workshop for Food and Hospitality students, introducing them …...

Stage 2 | Food & Hospitality

The Stage 2 Food & Hospitality class completed their first practical assessment this week. The students’ task was to create …...

Food & Hospitality | Daniel Newchurch Masterclass

On Friday the year 10-12 Food and Hospitality students were treated to a Masterclass with Daniel Newchurch from Newchurch Horticulture. …...

7/8 Electives | Maitland Markets Stall

This term the Enterprise Skills elective class have been developing their small businesses and producing items to sell at the …...

Year 10 Cake Decorating

The Year 10 Home Ec class are studying cake decorating this term. A huge thank you to Bec Jones who …...

Year 7-9 electives program

Our school’s mission is to provide a safe and inspiring environment that allows for quality education for all our students. …...

Zucchini Slice

Point Pearce students Akheela and Andrew followed recipe instructions to whip up a tasty (and very healthy) zucchini slice...

Sticky Date Pudding: Home Ec Recipe of the Week

INGREDIENTS 125g pitted dates, chopped ½ tsp bicarb soda ¾ cup boiling water 62g butter, softened ½ cup brown sugar …...

Cooking In the Kitchen

The Food and Hospitality students project was tot turn a chicken curry pasta sauce into a meal. The 9/10 Home …...