With Christmas approaching the JP classes have been investigating ‘Snowmen’ in Design & Technology and in Performing Arts lessons.
We started with the song ‘Ten Little Snowmen’ and acted out the story in mime and movement.
The R/1 Class looked at clothes pegs and their functions, experimented clamping the pegs onto different items then made a Snowman game with detachable peg-eyes, arms, noses and mouths. They made spinners and played to see who would be the first person to assemble their snowman.
The 1/2 class played with marionettes (string puppets) and looked at how the puppets were constructed and how they were controlled with strings. They sanded bodies and heads, attached eyelets and assembled their snowmen puppets with a carved orange nose, twig arms and a hat. They then made their snowmen a hat, designed a backdrop and made their own miniature theatre.
They will use their puppets to make a Christmas play about the ‘Ten Little Snowmen’.