Vietnam Study Tour

Earlier this year Sophie Baker was one of the winning entries in the Premier's ANZAC Spirit School Prize and invited to participate in the State Government’s fully funded study tour…

World Teachers Day

Every day in hundreds of classrooms across our State, teachers share their knowledge with more than 170,000 school students. When knowledge is shared, skills are gained and students’ lives can…

Homework Centre

The Student Representative Council have been working on a project to setup and run a Homework Centre. The initiative reflects our students desire to complete homework, achieve their best and…

Father’s Day

On Thursday August 28 we had our annual Father’s Day morning with open classrooms, Ag display and BBQ. It was great to see that so many Dads, Grandfathers and other…

A Night of Music

On Wednesday August 14, CYS hosted over eighty Immanuel College music students for combined band and choir workshops and a full evening concert. On arrival, the visitors split into three…

A Very Special Assembly

Last week Emily Bourke, MAS alumni and MLC visited our school to present to us Prime Minister Bob Hawke’s report cards for the time he attended Maitland. Emily was looking…