Point Pearce STEM

Every Tuesday afternoon in the Point Pearce R-2 room the students are participating in a literacy-based STEM program.  The students love to build and create and we have seen some great teamwork already. Some of the benefits to STEM learning include:

  • Creating, testing and improving models
  • Balance and weight distribution
  • Problem solving
  • Measurement
  • Time and material constraints
  • Collaboration
  • Communication
  • Achieving Common goals
  • Perseverance
  • Logic
  • Resourcefulness
  • Writing – how to write labels and descriptions

Everyone really enjoyed building houses of sticks, straws and bricks to protect the Three Little Pigs from the Big Bad Wolf. When we ran out of puff from using our breath and fanning a fan we used a hairdryer to see if the wolf could blow the houses down. There were some very impressive designs and structures!