Rebecca McEwan | Artist in Residence

Across two weeks, the Year 7/8 class were lucky to work alongside Artist, Rebecca McEwan as part of the Create 4 Adelaide (C4A) project. We began the residency by learning how to create a loom and weave onto it.

Focus on the Environment

The theme we wanted to focus on was the environment, which is a theme that Rebecca works heavily with and which we had also been learning about in HASS for the C4A project.
We thought about the environment around us and the colours and textures we associate with it. We then chose different wool and twine to represent that environment.
Some of the stand-out colours were blue representing the ocean and a rich, golden yellow to represent the canola crops.

Large Scale weaving

In the second week, we began our large-scale weaving piece. Rebecca came up with the concept of using a piece of fencing that is used at Innes National Park to protect the recently reintroduced bettongs, as this had previously come up in conversation around local endangered animals.
On this piece of fencing we outlined the Yorke Peninsula foot and began weaving to fill it in. Natural and thrifted materials were used in its creation to keep with the theme of sustainability and to ensure minimal impact on the environment.


Some symbols can be seen when looking closely. A rich yellow can be spotted in numerous places. This represents the canola crops that are grown on our fertile YP soil.
On the left of the Peninsula, just offshore from Port Victoria, a pom pom represents Wardang Island, a significant place for Nharangga People. Some Nharangga language was also used in the piece to represent the totem animals of the area. A rap that a student wrote about the bettongs can also be spotted. A sense of balance is achieved with the two large branches that frame the piece on both sides. The branches were sourced from our school yard and have been wrapped with a variety of materials.

Local weaver Kate Holmes

We were also lucky to be visited by Kate Holmes, a local weaver who shared some information about the type of weaving she does. She brought in some of her beautiful pieces to show us. We also compared our hand-crafted cardboard looms with her giant loom she uses to create large rugs and 3D works.

Thank you!

We are very grateful to have had this opportunity to work with C4A and industry professionals to create such a wonderful finished piece. This work of art has been submitted to C4A to hopefully be selected as part of an exhibition early next year during the Adelaide Festival.