Cedric Varcoe Visit

On 26th of February Cedric Varcoe visited CYS to inspire our SAASTA students as they create a powerful pi ece of artwork.  He was able to assist students with their Stage 1 and 2 task and give them tips along the way.

Cedric Varcoe was born in Adelaide in 1984 with strong family connection to Raukkan and Point Pearce. His language groups and tribes are Ngarrindjeri and Narungga.
Cedric is a contemporary artist, painting the creation stories of his Ngarrindjeri lands and waters, from the lower River Murray and the Lower Lakes to the Coorong, the South Coast to Kangaroo Island. He started painting at the age of eight, watching his sisters and mother, aunties and uncles. Fascinated by paint, he mainly painted lizards and snakes, and developed highly stylized corroboree men.

Inspiring young people

Cedric has painted on and off for over 15 years. In 2008 he completed a mural in one of the cells at the Port Pirie Police Station, hoping to inspire young people, to try to help them to have a better outlook on life, to think that they might be able to paint and express themselves creatively. Cedric has his work displayed in galleries across Australia and he sells his work globally.  We are hoping Cedric will come back to visit us at CYS in the future.