Carclew Aboriginal Artists in School | Cultural Trip

The Year 5/6 and both Year 7/8A classes will be participating in the Carclew Aboriginal Artists in School (AAIS) program during Week 9 & 10 this term which will focus on Narungga culture and history through art.
We are fortunate to have Narungga artists Janet Milera and Clem Newchurch who will supported by Mali Allen as their assistant. Janet and Clem will be working with us to create a unique mural in the Primary Coverway.

Cultural trip

On Thursday 18th March we went on country to the Narungga cultural significant site of the Bruthera’s Rock Dreaming story. The cultural trip to Bruthera’s Rock was the first part of the Carclew AAIS program on Narungga Country. It was to establish the cultural setting for the students’ learning and establish a strong connection and understanding to Narungga culture and history.

Our day began in the Performing Arts Centre with an introduction to the program by Bethany Ward (Carclew AAIS Program Manager). The students then met Narungga artists Janet Milera & Clem Newchurch who shared their story of art, culture and family.
We listened to Uncle Dookie who shared the Bruthera’s Rock Dreaming story and Narungga culture and history with our students. This was followed by Mali Allen, Peter Turner and Lilla Berry introducing themselves to students and staff.

On Country

After recess we piled into the buses and headed on country with the Carclew artists and were guided by Uncle Dookie O’Loughlin, Narungga Elder.
We travelled in convoy with 2 buses, 1 school van and 3 cars, along the Dreaming story track of Bruthera’s Rock near Point Pearce Aboriginal community. We were lucky with the weather and listened to Uncle Dookie along the way sharing the story of Bruthera. The track was an adventure as we dodged wombat holes and bumped along the corrugated dirt roads.
We made 3 stops along the way and we all enjoyed exploring the beautiful Narungga country and the importance of learning and being out on country.