In Music, the Year 5/6 classes have been investigating 'Rounds', special songs with verses written with different tunes that can be sung at the same time. We listened to some…
In Drama with Mrs Davies, the Year 1 have been learning how to do magic tricks using technology. They took before and after shots on the iPads of objects being…
R/1 Music High and Low
The R/1 students have been investigating the concepts of high and low pitch in music. We have been learning the ‘Noah Rap’ and pretending to be little mice and monkeys…
Primary Assembly Term 2
Our Term 2 assemblies have looked very different as we have been using Zoom to meet up each Friday afternoon. Our Week 1 assembly had our usual line up of…
Term 1 Performing Arts Programs
The Performing Arts Centre has been a hive of activity for the start of 200, with school Music and Drama classes, MacLit and MiniLit groups, Festival Choir, YP Combined Schools…
Christmas On the Green
Our annual Christmas On the Green family concert was held a little earlier this year on November 27th and a warm, balmy evening ensured a large turnout of students, families…
2019 Showcase Concert
The 2019 Central Yorke School Showcase Concert was held on Thursday November 7 in the school Performing Arts Centre. Over 150 family and community members attended along with special invited…
ACMF Songwriting Competition
CYS student Benita Rodda has received a 'highly commended' certificate in the 7-10 category of the Australian Children's Music Foundation 2019 National Songwriting Competition. Although not a winner from the…
Concert Pianist Visit
On Thursday October 31st. the R-2 students of the Point Pearce Campus were entertained by Panos Karan a Greek Concert Pianist. He has performed to audiences in the Sydney Opera…
Central Circus
We transformed the PAC into a circus ring for the Term 3 R-6 circus on September 24 and attracted a big audience which included parents, kindy and Point Pearce students.…
Semester 2 Performing Arts
Semester 2 is the time when students are given the opportunity to showcase their learning in the Performing Arts. These opportunities range from individual assessments in class to formal concerts…
2019 IMS Music Camp
Stephanie Gersch, Ashlee Radford, Kira Davies, Sophie Davies, Ben Allen, Josh French along with teacher, Debbie Schwartz, participated in the annual Instrumental Music Camp which was held at Port Hughes…
Night At the Museum
The Maitland Museum hosted over two hundred visitors on the evening of August 21 for Central Yorke School’s 2019 Project Based Learning Expo. The aptly named ‘Night At the Museum’…
Music Is Fun Band 2019
 The fabulous 'Music Is Fun Band' visited CYS on Thursday May 23 and along with the Maitland Lutheran School and Ardrossan Area School we enjoyed 80 minutes of non-stop…
Primary Drama Update – Term 2
Mrs Davies has been taking drama lessons with the R-6 classes and this term they have been working with masks. Classes experimented with different types of masks and looked at…