Premier’s Reading Challenge

We presented over sixty Premier's reading Challenge certificates and medals to our Primary students at a special assembly held on Friday November 13 in the Performing Arts Centre. The Premier’s Reading…

This week, the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) assesses literacy and numeracy skills that are essential for every child to progress through school and life. Students in…

Learning to Read

Learning to read is one of the most fundamental skills children need to develop to ensure their success in learning. Reading is a complex process which is underpinned by six…


This term sees the carrying out of the National Assessment Program for Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in Weeks 2 and 3 of this term. All students in years 3, 5,…

R-6 News Update

New Staff We would like to welcome new staff members to Central Yorke School who are teaching in the Primary this year.  Laura Kotz has joined us this from Kadina…

ELC News – Week 5

The ELC Philosophy Our Centre philosophy underpins all that we do in the Early Learning Centre and states the importance of relationships and play in fostering children’s learning and development.…

Aboriginal Artists in School

The Aboriginal Artists in School (AAIS) program is a community cultural development program which aims to establish longer-term and sustainable connections between Aboriginal artists/cultural practitioners and local SA schools. The…

Continuity of Learning

It has been exciting time for the Early Years children and staff at Central Yorke School, with the Reception children having timetabled lessons on a Wednesday from 11.30-1.30 in the…