We are excited to share our new upgrades to the outdoor learning environment. Over the holidays we were fortunate to have our new swings and paths installed. The children were very excited on their return to use the new swings. The eagerness of children to have a go on the swings has provided many opportunities to practice turn taking and sharing. The children have demonstrated great patience in eagerly waiting for their turn.
The sand-pit is looking amazing with the fresh sand. It has been a space where children have expressed their enjoyment of the soft sand and have explored and experimented with the different ways they can use the sand in their play. I would like to thank the CYS grounds staff Mike and Dave for their support in preparing the outdoor learning environment for the upgrades and supporting with the installation of the paths, swings and sand. It could not have been achieved without you!
A big thank you also to Peninsula Quarries for donating the sand for our sandpit and to Travis Crowell for the free delivery of the sand. Your generosity has greatly benefited the children in their learning.