Beekeeper Visit

Mark from ABS came and visited us on the Wednesday morning of March 4. To start the morning, we suited up into bee keeping gear. Mark pulled out a hive…

Naidoc Week 2021

On Wednesday the 30th of June a NAIDOC event was held at Point Pearce Campus for all Primary and ELC students from all three campuses involving Morgan Simmie, Year 9…

Rural Ambassadors

On June 20, Annabel and I travelled to Adelaide to attend our second forum as the 2021 Rural Youth Ambassadors. Being an ambassador this year, means that Annabel and I…

SRC Term 1 Update

Term 1 for the 2021 SRC team has taken off with a flying start! GRIP LEADERSHIP The secondary members of the team attended an overnight leadership course called GRIP in…

SRC Car Wash

On Thursday March 18, the 2021 SRC team got together to raise some fast money with a simple event that reached out to a section of the school community. Yes,…