This semester in HASS we have been looking at objects from the past and how they have transformed to be in the present. The class was set the challenge to…
Rural Ambassadors
On June 20, Annabel and I travelled to Adelaide to attend our second forum as the 2021 Rural Youth Ambassadors. Being an ambassador this year, means that Annabel and I…
RYPEN 2021
RYPEN is the Rotary Youth Programme of Enrichment and I was lucky enough to be sponsored by the Maitland rotary club to attend the 2021 event. On Friday April 23,…
Travis’s writing success
Year 5/6N student Travis has been working with SSO Jess Campbell on developing his resilience and perseverance in creative writing. Travis recently wrote an extended piece about the Bermuda Triangle…
Simultaneous Reading Day
The CYS K-6 students celebrated Simultaneous Reading Day on May 19. They joined over one million readers across Australia to hear astronaut Shannon Walker read ‘Give Me Some Space’. Shannon…
CYFA Vs MLS Football
On May 19, Central Yorke Footy Academy played against Maitland Lutheran School at Maitland Town Oval. CYFA started the game well, with Flynn Briggs collecting the first clearance and hitting…
Wild Dog Dreaming
As part of our ongoing support of Aboriginal Education and Narungga Culture at Central Yorke School we have partnered with Country Arts SA and Aboriginal artists Nikki Ashby, Jacob Boehme,…
Stage 1 Biology Disinfection experiment
The Year 11 Biology class conducted an experiment to see if hand sanitiser, soap or both would be more effective at disinfecting their hands. They collaborated with the R/ 1…
Stage 1 Nutrition Super Foods
On Friday May 14 , the Year 11 Nutrition class cooked three meals containing a variety of superfoods. Prior to their cook up they learnt that a superfood is one…
Stage 1 Chemistry Lava Lamps
In Chemistry we’ve been looking at the polarity of different molecules. To help us with this we made lava lamps. We found that when we added oil to water they…
Ag Block News
We’ve all tried counting sheep, right? But did you know that sheep can’t count!! Well at least our sheep don’t seem to have the knack! We have recently started welcoming…
Introducing Stanley, Terry and Diesel
The Ag Block at CYS got some new cups of joy when the baby calves arrived on the Tuesday afternoon of Week 3. The Year 7/8 Townsend and the Year…
Electives: Ag Block Photoshoot
n Week 4, the Creative Camera students completed a photoshoot in the school Ag Block as part of their first summative assessment. Students photographed livestock, buildings, plants, people and the…
Electives: introduction to biomechanics
In Week 3, the Strength Training (Introduction to Biomechanics) Elective students had their first excursion to Bodysync. They learned about selecting an appropriate weight, gym etiquette and safe technique. The…
Learning Hub Garden to Plate
Over the course of the term the Learning Hub Garden-to-Plate students have enjoyed participating in a variety of cooking and gardening tasks. Students have spent time clearing out our designated…